About Lauren
Mediator & Facilitator / Former Private Investigator
My Story
As a mediator and private investigator, I’ve had a front-row seat to what it looks like when couples seeking separation and divorce spiral down a path of emotional and financial destruction.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
As a mediator, I guide individuals holistically through their most formidable challenges.
Divorce Mediation Prep Workbook, a labor of love and experience, is the culmination of my years of training and mediation in separation and divorce. I built this guide to support my friends and clients.
My goal is for you to enter your divorce mediation fully prepared and with unshakable confidence.
Remember, when you’re sitting across from mediators and lawyers, time is money — literally. But rest assured, if you diligently complete the tasks in my workbook, you won’t waste precious minutes resetting passwords for financial accounts, or grappling with unexpected questions about the kids’ holiday schedule.
This comprehensive pre-mediation guide covers all the bases — even the ones you may have overlooked. It’s 50 pages of interactive content, plus additional resource lists and printables for you and your children.
Embrace this journey with Divorce Mediation Prep Workbook by your side, and transform a potentially overwhelming experience into a path of personal growth and newfound resilience.
Personal Life
I was born and raised in central Ohio, and I currently live in North Carolina with my husband and our two kids.
I love reading and taking my dog on walks. My other hobbies include gardening, hiking, and playing music.
I’m working on a master’s degree in Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding at The Carter School (GMU), focusing on media, narrative, and public discourse.
“When parents fight fire with fire, kids get burned.”
– Christina McGee
Learn, prepare, empower.